Two rowdies were gunned down in an encounter with police in Tamil Nadu’s Thiruvallur on Thursday, officials said. The two rowdies, identified as Muthusarvanan and Satish, were killed in the Cholavaram area when they tried to attack police officials. As per officials, both the accused were arrested in Delhi for the murder of an AIADMK functionary. Officials said that both accused, Muthusarvanan and Satish, were being taken to Chennai when they tried to escape from police custody near Marembedu village. They attacked the police team after which they were gunned down by the officials. Earlier on Wednesday, a rowdy sheeter was shot at and injured by the police when he allegedly tried to escape from their clutches in Tamil Nadu’s Chengalpattu. He is categorized as an A+ history category rowdy. According to officials, the police opened fire after he attacked the personnel while being taken to Chengalpattu as part of an investigation in a case.
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