Tamil Nadu, engulfed by the wrath of Severe Cyclonic Storm ‘Michaung,’ faces unprecedented rainfall, surpassing historical records set in 2015, stated Chief Minister MK Stalin on Tuesday. Despite heavy rain, the damage is significantly lower this time due to Chennai’s proactive desilting initiatives, which prevented severe consequences.

Addressing a press conference, CM Stalin emphasized that while Chennai’s strategic measures have limited casualties to 8, extensive rains have impacted normal life. The government seeks central assistance of Rs 5,000 crore to rehabilitate storm-affected areas and aid affected individuals.

The devastating effects of ‘Michaung’ have claimed eight lives and resulted in road and subway closures due to flooding. Due to the release of water from Puzhal Lake, the Manjambakkam-Vadaperumbakkam Road has been closed. Rescue efforts have concentrated on stranded families, including pregnant women and the elderly.

Chennai Airport has reopened after being closed due to heavy rains, prioritizing departures to clear the backlog of stranded passengers. The airport administration has guaranteed adequate food availability for approximately 1500 passengers.

Earlier, while inspecting affected areas, CM Stalin monitored rain relief camps, highlighting the operational 162 relief centers housing 2477 residents. The state government is working hard to get food and ready-made items to those who are staying in these centers.

The deluge has severely impacted the Nerkundram bridge area and inundated Madha Engineering College near Chembarambakkam due to the release of water from Chembarambakkam Lake.

Amidst the calamity, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) reported the Severe Cyclonic Storm’s current position, prompting heightened rescue and relief efforts in the affected regions.