CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu Assembly on Tuesday once again adopted the anti-NEET Bill, returned days ago to the government by Governor R.N. Ravi, with the ruling Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam and principal opposition All India Anna DK reaffirming their opposition to the test. Chief Minister M.K. Stalin labelled NEET a “killer exam” and said he believed that the governor would forward without any delay the Bill re-adopted now, to the President for his assent. “It is the constitutional duty of the governor to forward it to the President. I think and expect the governor to do that duty hereafter at least,” he said. The Bill was passed following discussions that stretched to three hours and the test was yet again dismissed by Stalin as one that went against the principles of the Constitution, including social justice and equality. As per the Constitution, the action of Ravi in sending the Bill back to the assembly was not a correct decision, the government said.
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