Both Tamannaah Bhatia and Vijay Varma opened up about their relationship a few months back and now there are rumours that the two actors are set to tie the knot. But there has been no official news on this or comment from the Lust Stories stars. In September at an event Tamannaah was asked about marriage and she didn’t seem too happy about it. She replied, “Even my parents don’t ask me this. I am very happy in my life right now.”
ome time back, the Jailer actress had told a media house that she thought would get married by 30 but now felt that ‘you should get married when you want to get married’. Tamannaah also felt that marriage was a big responsibility.
In an interview with Film Companion, Tamannaah said about Vijay, “He is someone I really look up to. He is someone with whom I bonded very very organically. He is someone who came to me with all his guard down. Then, it became very easy for me to put all my guard down… He’s a person who I care about deeply and yeah, he’s my happy place.”
When Vijay Varma, 37, was asked about marriage earlier in an interview, he said that he was from a Marwari family where boys get married early. He added that his mother still asked about marriage every time she called him.
Tamannaah and Vijay have numerous projects they are currently working on and quite busy with their careers. While fans are still speculating about their marriage, they need to patiently wait for the official announcement.