The talented actress Taapsee Pannu recently held an Ask Me Anything session on Instagram. During the session, one of the Instagram users asked her about her marriage plans. The actress acknowledged had a witty response to the same. For the unversed, the actress has been in a steady relationship with badminton player-turned-coach Mathias Boe for several years. When asked “Shaadi kab karoge,” she said, “So when I am getting married? I am not pregnant as yet. So not anytime soon. I will let you all know.”
Earlier, in an interview with Pinkvilla, the actress had opened up about her marriage plans. She said, “I will get married only when I want to have babies. I want to have kids out of wedlock. I don’t want an elaborate wedding either. It will be one long day with close friends and family. This multiple-day thing is too tiring. It will be like a compact one-day thing.”
Apart from her marriage plans, Instagram users asked her multiple questions about her life, recent Google searches, and all things in between. Meanwhile, on the professional life, she will next seen in Dunki, Phir Aayi Haseen Dilruba, Empire and Woh Ladki Hai Kahaan.
Stay tuned for more such news.
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