According to the latest reports, a complaint has been lodged against the ‘Thappad’ actress Taapsee Pannu by the Hind Rakshak Sangathan for insulting Hindu deities and spreading obscenity. The complaint has been filed by Eklavya Singh Gaur. For the unversed, he is a convenor of Hind Rakshak Sangathan and son of BJP MLA Malini Gaur. In his complaint, he said that Taapsee Pannu had uploaded a video on her Instagram on March 14, 2023. The video is of a fashion show where the actress was wearing an indecent dress. Taapsee completed her look with a locket of Goddess Lakshmi Maa. Gaur claimed that this was a planned attempt to degrade Sanatan Dharma.
“We received a complaint from Eklavya Gaur (son of BJP MLA Malini Gaur) against actor Taapsee Pannu for hurting religious sentiments and image of ‘Sanatan Dharma’ by wearing a locket having ‘Goddess Laxmi’ with revealing dress during ramp walk at Lakme Fashion Week held on March 12 in Mumbai,” SHO, Chhatri Pura PS told ANI.
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress was last seen in Ajay Bahl’s Blurr. Next, she will be seen in Who Ladki Hai Kahaan, Dunki alongside Shah Rukh Khan and Phir Aayi Haseen Dillruba.
Stay Tuned to The Daily Guardian for further updates.
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