New Delhi : Taapsee Pannu on Monday completed eight years in Indian cinema and to mark the occasion, she shared a collage picture of all her movies on social media. “Eight years since I saw myself speaking in my mother tongue on screen,” she wrote alongside the collage picture posted on her Instagram story. After doing modelling for a few years, the 33-year-old star made her acting debut with the 2010 Telugu filmJhummandi Naadam and later acted in the 2011 Tamil film, Aadukalam. She made her Hindi film debut with David Dhawan’s 2013 comedy-drama Chashme Baddoor which also featured Ali Zafar, Divyenndu, Anupam Kher and late actor Rishi Kapoor in pivotal roles. Throughout the course of her eight-year-long career in the film industry, she has starred in several blockbusters like Pink, Badla(both with megastar Amitabh Bachchan), Thappad (for which she received several awards including ‘Best Actor—female’), Naam Shabana, Judwaa 2, Saand Ki Aankh, Mission Mangal, and Manmarziyaan. She will be next seen in sports dramas Shabaash Mithu and Rashmi Rocket.
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