NEW DELHI: The upcoming Bollywood film ‘Looop Lapeta’ which will bring on screen a fresh pairing is slated to hit the theatres on 22 October. The comic-thriller stars Taapsee Pannu and Tahir Raj Bhasin in the lead roles. Taapsee shared the release date of the film on her Instagram handle. She wrote, “A comic-thriller we rarely get! Brace yourself to meet Savi and Satya….. #LooopLapeta in theatres this 22 October.” The ‘Pink’ actress also shared a short clip that features the lead duo’s characters — Savi and Satya and a still from the film that perfectly showcases the on-screen romance between the two actors. Tahir also shared the same clip on Instagram along with a caption that read, “Get ready for the ride of your ‘life’ with Savi and Satya…. #LooopLapeta in theatres on 22 October.”
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