Actress Gayatri Joshi, best known for her role opposite Shah Rukh Khan in the 2004 film Swades, was involved in an accident while vacationing with her husband Vikas Oberoi in Italy. According to reports, the couple’s car collided with a camper van and a number of other vehicles. A camper van was being overtaken by a Lamborghini and a Ferrari at the same time on a narrow road in Sardinia when Gayatri and Vikas’ car crashed into other vehicles. As a result, one of the vehicles struck the camper van, causing it to flip over. The Ferrari caught fire after the collision, killing the Swiss couple who were riding in it.

People were impressed by Gayatri Joshi’s simplicity in her debut Bollywood film, Swades. However, that was the final time moviegoers could see the model-turned-actor on screen. Following Swades, Gayatri married Vikas Oberoi, the chairman and managing director of Oberoi Realty Ltd., and started focusing on her personal life.