Udupi-based Sweezal Furtado recently took the nation by storm after being crowned as Miss Supermodel India 2022 2nd Runner Up. The who’s who of the fashion business attended the glamorous event that was the Star Entertainment Productions beauty contest, which was nothing short of an extravaganza. The competition was judged by Mr. World 2016 Rohit Khandelwal, Miss World Asia 2nd Runner Up Suman Rao, and Miss Universe 3rd Runner Up 2020 Adline Castelino. It took place at the Leela Palace in New Delhi.
The event’s organisers have developed a reputation for wanting to highlight India’s upcoming generation of leaders and role models. The fact that Sweezal Furtado, who is just 18 years old, was among the pageant’s youngest contestants and winners made this a historic occasion for both the organisers and Sweezal herself.
Speaking on the glorious moment, Sweezal said, “It’s such a great feeling to be crowned as Miss Supermodel India 2nd Runner Up this year. All my life, I’ve always known that the fashion and glam industry was where I wanted to be. I worked hard, training and preparing myself in numerous ways to make sure I was the best version of myself by the time the stage was ready for me. So the feeling of being crowned as one of the winners of this year’s pageant is beyond words. I am ever grateful to my mother, father, and everyone else who supported me and believed in me, and I look forward to continuing to make them proud in the years to come.”
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