Swati Maliwal, chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) said on Monday that her residence in north Delhi’s Civil Lines was attacked and an attacker also vandalised two parked cars. She also told that the attack took place when they were not home and the two cars which were attacked belonged to her and another one belonged to her mother.Maliwal shared images of the damaged cars and the details of the alleged attack on Twitter.Sagar Singh Kalsi, Deputy Commissioner of Police said they have found the attacker and further information will be shared soon.In a video statement, Maliwal said, “Fortunately, my mother and I were not at home, otherwise we do not know what would have happened.”She also added, “In the last seven years of my tenure [as DCW chairman], I have…taken action against people with greater power. They think they will scare me, but…I am not someone who fears. I will not fear at all and will continue my fight against people who work against women.”
The olympic medalist shared the news with his fans on Instagram on Sunday.
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