In a bizarre turn of event, the warring Congress leaders Siddaramaiah and DK Shivakumar, both are CM aspirants, have proposed Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge’s name as the next Chief Minister of Karnataka. As both Siddaramaiah and Shivakumar remain adamant on their demands even after three days of deliberations with high command, the formula, as proposed by the duo, is seen as a face saver. However, it is still not clear whether the AICC is cosy with the idea.
DK and Siddaramaiah are meeting continuously with high command still there is no result. As per the report, Kharge to hold second round of delebrations with Siddaramaiah and DK. DK meets Randeep Surjewala before visiting Kharge.
DK is likely to meet with Rahul Gandhi today to discuss the issue. Among all these rumours, the third contender G Parameshwara enters in the race of Karnataka CM face.
In the Congress Legislature Party meeting held on Sunday, all the MLAs authorized Kharge to elect the leader. After this, the Congress President had asked the observers to have a one-to-one talk with all the MLAs. More than 80 MLAs voted in favor of Siddaramaiah, still congress high command has not able to decide Karnataka CM face.
DK Shivkumar has been a strong contender to be the face of Karnataka CM. He has contributed for the party, if Congress does not heed him, it will pass wrong message to dedicated Congress workers.
The nation is waiting for the final results after meeting. It will be interested to see Karnataka new CM after so many rounds of deliberations with Congress top leaders.
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