Sushmita Sen announced that shooting has kickstarted for the second season of her much-anticipated thriller drama series ‘Aarya’ on Thursday. The ‘Main Hoon Na’ actress took to her official social media accounts to share the news with her fans. She posted an extreme close up picture of her eyes where her luscious locks are seen covering half of her face.
Sushmita went on to compliment the post with a short note dedicated to the film and its team and wrote, “She sees a storm coming…in the mirror! #Aarya #season2 ‘your wish is our command’ I love you guys! Let’s do this @madhvaniram @officialrmfilms @disneyplushotstarvip #TeamAarya #duggadugga.” The director of the series Ram Madhvani commented on her post “Welcome back Aarya”.
Sushmita made her comeback with the web series ‘Aarya’ for which she had bagged the title ‘Best Actor in drama series’ by eminent entertainment award platforms like Filmfare, Dada Saheb Phalke, Film Critics Guild, and Raj Kapoor Award. Sikandar Kher, Manish Chaudhari, Namit Das, Chandrachur Singh, and Vinod Rawat were part of the first season of ‘Aarya’.