Newly accessed chats have revealed that Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister, Nitu Singh, had been told about the medicines the actor had been prescribed for his alleged depression, by his ex-manager, Shruti Modi.

According to a Whatsapp chat dated 26 November 2019, Nitu and Shruti had exchanged information on the details of Sushant’s treatment. Shruti had written to Nitu, saying, “Hi, Shruti here. I’ll be outside.” Nitu had replied, “Hi Shruti, pls send me all dr’s prescriptions. (sic)” Shruti had then shared an image of a piece of paper which contained the names of the medicines Sushant had been prescribed. Nitu had also messaged Shruti: “Also wd (would) like to meet the Dr who can come to home (sic),” to which Shruti had replied, “Sure.”

The medicines mentioned on the prescription were Serta, Clonotril, Oleanz and Qutipin, which are usually taken for several mental illnesses. Shruti had also sent Nitu the contact details for Dr Susan Walker.