It has been a year since Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead in his apartment on June 14, 2020 in Mumbai. June 14, 2021 marks the first death anniversary of Sushant Singh Rajput, who passed away at a young age of 34 leaving everyone in shock. Bollywood and television stars remember the actor and posted emotional messages on Sushant’s 1st death anniversary. Rhea Chakraborty, Sushant’s alleged girlfriend shared a picture with Sushant and wrote, “There isn’t a moment where I believe that you aren’t here anymore. They said that time heals everything but you were my time and my everything. I know that you are my guardian angel now -watching me with your telescope from the moon and protecting me. I wait for you everyday to come pick me up, I look for you everywhere – I know you’re here with me. It breaks me everyday, then I think of you saying – you’ve got this bebu and I carry on to the next day. A barrage of emotions cross my body everytime I think of you not being here. My heart aches to write this, my heart aches to feel anymore. There is no life without you ,you took the meaning of it with you. This void cannot be filled. Without you, I’m standing still. My sweet sunshine boy , I promise to give you ‘Malpua ‘everyday and read all the quantum physics books in this world- please come back to me. I miss you my best friend, my man, my love. Bebu and putput forever (sic).”
Sushant’s Sonchiriya co-star Bhumi Pednekar shared a post remembering the actor. “Miss you, your questions and everything we spoke about. From the stars to the things unknown, you showed me the world like I had never seen it before. I hope you’ve found your peace my curious sweet SSR…Om Shanti,” Abhishek Kapoor, Sushant’s first film’s director, Kai Po Che, wrote: “1 year today… Still numb. #omnamahshivaya #sushantsinghrajput #superstar forever.” The duo also worked together in the 2018 film Kedarnath. Mukesh Chhabra, who directed Sushant Singh Rajput in the actor’s last Bollywood project Dil Bechara, paid tribute to the actor with these words: “Nothing seems to be the same. The void you left behind still remains. Here’s hoping I’ll see you once again. Miss you brother. #stillnumb #sushantsinghrajput.”
Ankita Lokhande also penned an emotional tribute to Sushant Singh Rajput on his first death anniversary. The actress shared a video which captured several moments from their life together. From the days of their TV to Sushant Singh Rajput preparing for his film ‘MS Dhoni’ and candid moments spent at home. Sushant Singh Rajput and Ankita Lokhande were in a relationship for seven years and this video shows their life when they were together. Ankita had captioned this video as, “14 June. This was our journey !!!! Phir milenge chalte chalte.” Previously, Ankita Lokhande had revealed that she has kept a havan in memory of Sushant Singh Rajput, on his first death anniversary. Ankita also kept a hawan for the late actor. Sushant Singh Rajput›s best friend Mahesh Shetty had also shared a glimpse of the actor, dancing and captioned it, “This is how I›ll always remember you bhai. Love you meri jaan… now & forever.”
Siddharth Gupta was a good friend of Sushant Singh Rajput, and the two were roommates in the past. He wrote on his social media, “Alien brother. Living the lesson you taught through your way of life is probably the best way to honor you my angel brother. For good or for worse I am the collateral, the after taste of the experience You were! Like you always said don’t try to be perfect try to have the perfect intent. I am trying bhai. Miss you.
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