Actress Vidya Balan on Tuesday stated that it was unfortunate how the tragic death of Sushant Singh Rajput had become a media circus. She also criticised the media trials of actress Rhea Chakraborty.  

Vidya’s contention came in response to Telugu actress Lakshmi Manchu’s tweet about Rhea on Monday. Lakshmi had tweeted seeking justice for both Sushant and Rhea and would want colleagues to stand up for her if they ever faced the situation that Rhea was currently going through. In the note, Lakshmi also said that “media trials” had made a “monster out of a girl”.   

 In response, Vidya wrote: “God bless you, Lakshmi Manchu for saying this out loud. It is so unfortunate that the tragic and untimely death of a beloved young star Sushant Singh Rajput has become a media circus.”

 “In the same breath, as a woman, my heart breaks at the vilification of Rhea Chakraborty. Isn’t it supposed to be ‘innocent until proven guilty’ or is it now ‘guilty until proven innocent’!? Let’s show some respect for the constitutional rights of a citizen and let the law take its course,” Vidya added.