With the mystery continuing to shroud actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, senior BJP leader and former Maharashtra chief minister Narayan Rane has come out with some ‘revelations’ about the case. Rane claims himself to be first person to question the suicide theory in Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case. Speaking exclusively to The Daily Guardian, Narayan Rane came out with his reactions on the development related to Rajput’s death case.

Q. Now, the SC has ordered CBI to investigate the Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case. What is your reaction on that?

A. I was the first person who raised the questions on Sushant Singh Rajput’s ‘suicide’ mystery. Even today also, I am saying that Sushant didn’t commit suicide but it was a murder, a well-planned murder. I am happy that the CBI will conduct a fair investigation into this matter now.

 Q. Who, according to you, might have murdered him? Who could be behind this?

 A. From the day one, I have been saying that it is not a suicide, as his death was shrouded under mystery. On the day before Sushant died, a party was organized at his place and one minister of Maharashtra government was also present in that party. The Maharashtra government pressurized the Mumbai police to hide the identity of that minister. Now, the CBI will conduct an inquiry into the case. So, it is time for Mumbai Police and Maharashtra government to introspect.

 Q. Can you name the minister who, you said, attended the party at Sushant’s place?

A. I have already spoken to the media bout this minister, and following which he issued a clarification also saying he was not present in any such party. But I have a lot of documents and evidence regarding this case, which I will reveal one day.

Q. Are you sure that the Maharashtra government pressurized the Mumbai Police during the probe into the Rajput death case?

A. Yes it did. The Maharashtra government pressurized the Mumbai Police because it wanted to save the minister who was present in the party on June 13.