With the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on the job to unravel the mystery shrouding the death of Sushant Singh Rajput, persons linked to the deceased actor are blowing the lid off one fact or the other. Latest in the series of disclosures is the statement of Sushant Singh’s friend and flatmate Siddharth Pithani.

Pithani has told the Enforcement Directorate (ED) that Sushant Singh had told him to delete old videos from his hard drive, following the death of his one-time manager Disha Salian. Sushant died just a few days later, on 14 June. Disha Salian was Sushant’s interim manager after his old manager got injured.

On 10 June, two days after Sushant’s girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty had left the house, the late actor told Siddharth to delete the old videos.

 “Sushant became very upset about his name being linked to Disha’s death. He asked me to stay with him and sleep in his bedroom and also asked me to update him about Disha’s suicide”, Pithani told the Enforcement Directorate.

“Sushant’s name was being linked to her death and this led to added tension for Sushant. As asked by Sushant, I deleted all the data and his videos, his songs etc from his hard disk,” he said.

Siddharth, in the statement to ED, said, Sushant’s health deteriorated after Rhea left. The actor’s sister, Meetu, stayed with them from 8 June to 12 June, when she, too, left because she wanted to be with her family.

Siddharth also said that on June 13, Sushant had to pay off some bills so he paid from his mobile phone and I helped him do that.

“Then Sushant had mango shake but he didn’t have dinner. On June 14, around 10 to 10:30 am, I came to the hall. I was listening to music in the music system. That time Keshav came to me and told me that Sushant wasn’t opening the door. So, I went myself and knocked on his door which he did not open. Then I told this to Dipesh. Both of us started knocking on Sushant’s door. But he didn’t open the door. Around that time, Meetu called me and told me that she was calling Sushant but he wasn’t answering the call,” Pithani said.

Pithani in his statement gave a “blow by blow” account of how the door was found locked and the lock was, subsequently, broken only to find “Sushant Singh hanging from the ceiling fan with a green kurta”. “His legs were on one side of the bed and his face was towards the window,” Siddharth said in the statement. Siddharth also told the probe agency about how his body was brought down and how they tried to revive him through CPR, but that was of no avail.