Rhea Chakraborty on Wednesday filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking the investigations in late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s alleged suicide case to be transferred from Patna to Mumbai. Her petition stated that one case cannot be investigated in two places. Reports are also rife that she will be applying for an interim bail soon.

The legal move on Rhea’s end comes a day after Sushant’s father K.K. Singh filed an FIR against Rhea and her family members under various sections including abetment of suicide and fraud.

The FIR filed by K.K. Singh alleges that Rhea used Sushant for financial gains and blackmailed him of leaking his medical reports in the media. He also revealed that Sushant wanted to leave the film industry to do organic farming in Kerala’s Coorg but Rhea objected to it and pressured him to stay in Mumbai.

Speaking on the matter, the lawyer of the late actor’s father said, “The only FIR in connection with the case has been lodged at Patna, so we want the Patna police to investigate the whole matter. The family has not demanded a CBI investigation yet.”

He added, “In criminal jurisprudence, an FIR can be registered at a place which has even a part of the cause of action and in a crime of this nature, you have to work on the mind of the victim. You control the mind by first distancing the victim from the family, the distancing from the family started by disconnecting Sushant Singh Rajput from his father and not letting him talk to his father. This is not a crime done in the spur of the moment; the death itself is not the crime. It is the facts leading to death which is a crime, and it includes shutting out the family and that ingredient is very important which happened in Patna.”

Rhea had earlier urged Home Minister Amit Shah to initiate a CBI inquiry into Sushant’s death case. Confirming their relationship for the first time in the media, Rhea said that she wants to know what drew Sushant to take such a drastic step.