Actor Rhea Chakraborty has filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court and complained about the media holding an unfair trial and pronouncing her guilty for actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death. The SC is currently hearing an earlier petition filed by Rhea seeking to transfer investigation to Mumbai, where investigation in connection with Sushant’s death is already underway.

Rhea had previously claimed that the transfer of the Sushant case to CBI by Bihar Police is illegal. However, she said she has no objection if the court refers the case to CBI if jurisdiction continues to be in Mumbai and not in Patna.

In her affidavit, she also said that, like Rajput, actors Ashutosh Bhakre and Sameer Sharma died by suicide too in the last 30 days, but “there is not even a whisper in media about these cases and media had convicted accused in 2G and Talwar case in similar fashion where each and every accused was later on found innocent by the courts.”

She alleged that the inquiry into Sushant’s death was being “blown out of proportion” because of “impending elections in Bihar” and that “investigation into financial scams of thousands of crores by Enforcement Directorate & CBI never see the light of the day yet at the drop of a hat, cases get registered even without there being a jurisdiction in the foundational case.”

 Bihar Police had begun their investigation after an FIR (First Information Report) was registered by Sushant’s father K.K. Singh in Patna against Rhea under several sections, including abetment of suicide, and recommended a CBI probe into Sushant’s death case looking at the sensitivity of matter and its inter-state ramifications.

On 7 August, the Bihar government had filed an affidavit in the SC seeking dismissal of the plea by Rhea seeking to transfer the FIR from Patna to Mumbai in the Sushant case. The affidavit said that Rhea and her family members came in contact with Sushant with the sole motive of grabbing his money and later painted a false picture of his mental illness.

On 8 August, Mumbai Police had filed an affidavit in the SC and said that the CBI ought not to have lodged an FIR in the case at the recommendation of the Bihar government as the cause of action had arisen solely and completely within its jurisdiction.

The Bihar government has also accused Mumbai Police of non-cooperation, stating that “the forcible quarantine of the IPS officer Vinay Tiwary is nothing but a result of an afterthought on part of Mumbai Police aimed at obstructing the investigation by the Patna Police”.