The election official nullified the nomination papers of Congress candidate Nilesh Kumbhani from the Surat Lok Sabha constituency due to purported “fake signatures of people who signed as witnesses.”
In the cancellation order, the Collector stated that the signatures of individuals acting as witnesses on the nomination forms of Congress candidate Nilesh Kumbhani and his dummy candidate Suresh Padshala are fraudulent.
While issuing the order, Election Officer Dr. Sourabh Pardhi mentioned that during Nilesh Kumbhani’s nomination, three individuals who had purportedly signed were absent. Moreover, upon investigation, it was discovered that the signature on Congress candidate Nilesh Kumbhani’s nomination was incorrect. Consequently, the candidature of both Congress candidate Nilesh Kumbhani and dummy candidate Suresh Padshala is revoked.
Following the annulment of the Congress candidate’s nomination, the party is left without a contender in the Lok Sabha seat race. Gujarat’s entire 26 seats will be contested in a single phase on May 7.
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