NEW DELHI: Filmmaker R. Balki, who has received immense appreciation for his projects, recently announced a new thriller, which will star actors Sunny Deol, Dulquer Salmaan, Pooja Bhatt and Shreya Dhanwanthary in lead roles. Balki said, “After months of waiting, for me, it is exciting to start shooting anything. And to make a film in a genre that I haven’t attempted before is even more exciting. I have had the idea for a long time but never quite got around to writing it, and while it’s fundamentally a thriller, it banks so much on these four stunning performers. I just can’t wait to get into the edit room.”
Balki further spoke about getting Deol to join the ensemble and said, “I am ecstatic to be working with Sunny, an actor whose booming screen presence conveys so much. Am glad he is back and hoping this will add a new dimension to his glorious filmography.”
The director also spoke about the movie’s other male lead, Dulquer, and said, “Dulquer is possibly one of the most charming actors in Indian cinema today, and even though I cannot say much about his role except at this point, I am really looking forward to his distinct and cool interpretation of it.”
Shreya, whose performance in ‘Scam 1992’ and ‘Family Man’, was loved by the filmmaker, will be starring opposite Dulquer in the upcoming film. Balki said, “I just knew that I would eventually work with this talented girl. She is one of the most exciting and contemporary performers and I am looking forward to the on-screen chemistry between her and Dulquer.”