In a Jain Sabha program in the district, Member of Parliament Sunita Duggal of Sirsa Lok Sabha addressed the people and activists present. Speaking to the media, MP Sunita Duggal said that a continuous campaign is being run in Sirsa Lok Sabha regarding the inauguration of the Shri Ram Temple on January 22. The cleanliness campaign has been ongoing for quite some time, and for the program on January 22, her party workers are consistently gathering.
Regarding the Congress boycott of the Ram Temple inauguration program, the parliamentarian said that it has clearly shown that some parties are only concerned with votes from the public. By boycotting the inauguration program of the Ram Temple, the parties have demonstrated their priorities in front of the public.
Speaking about Rahul Gandhi’s Nyay Yatra, she said that the Congress’s ground has slipped, and now these journeys will not benefit them. Regarding the rumors of Aam Aadmi Party leader Ashok Tanwar joining the BJP, the MP said that if Ashok Tanwar comes to the BJP, he will be welcomed. His joining will strengthen the BJP party. Ashok Tanwar holds significant influence in the Sirsa Lok Sabha, and his joining will be beneficial for the BJP party.