SHIMLA: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Sunday directed the administration in Shimla to provide assistance to victims, whose houses were gutted in a massive fire. The blaze broke out on Saturday late evening at around 11.30 pm in the Rohru sub-division of Shimla district. According to Sanjeev Kumar Gandhi, Superintendent of Police, Shimla, six houses were completely gutted in the fire with 11 houses being partially damaged. However, no casualties were reported in the mishap. Taking to the social media platform, X, CM Sukhu said, “There is sad news that many houses have been affected by the fire that broke out late at night in Tikkar/Dharoti village of Rohru assembly constituency of Shimla. Thank God that there was no loss of life in this massive fire, but there was a lot of damage to property.”
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