In the ongoing series of ATM card frauds in Raipur Rani, Panchkula, a woman from Hangoli village fell victim to the deceptive tactics employed by fraudsters at a Punjab National Bank (PNB) ATM. On November 26, Preeti Devi attempted to withdraw money but found her card stuck in the machine. Seizing the opportunity to deceive, a fraudster, posing as a helpful bystander, illicitly changed her ATM card. Subsequently, Rs 1 lakh 8 thousand was fraudulently withdrawn from her account.
This incident follows two similar cases in the same locality, where Pal Singh and Manju Sharma were defrauded of Rs 1 lakh 80 thousand and Rs 73 thousand, respectively, through the same modus operandi. Despite the rising number of such cases, the police have not yet apprehended the culprits, raising concerns about the effectiveness of security measures at Punjab National Bank.Preeti Devi, after discovering unauthorized transactions, promptly reported the incident to the police. The police have initiated an investigation into the matter. However, the perpetrators remain at large, and the bank has yet to implement additional security measures.
The repeated instances of ATM card fraud in Raipur Rani have prompted questions about the security protocols of Punjab National Bank. The ease with which fraudsters operate contrasts starkly with the difficulties faced by victims who struggle to support their families after falling prey to such scams.
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