In a tragic incident, a 5-year-old boy was mauled to death by stray dogs in Hyderabad. The deceased minor was identified as Pradeep. The incident took place at the workplace of the kid’s father, Gangadhar, who works as a security guard.
Gangadhar took to his son with him to work on Sunday and while Pradeep was strolling outside, a pack of stray dogs attacked him, sources revealed while adding that the CCTV footage of the incident has surfaced as well.
Some locals came to rescue Pradeep and even they rushed him to a nearby hospital, sources informed further, adding, however, the 5-year-old was pronounced dead by doctors on arrival. In another similar case, earlier a toddler was mauled to death in an apartment building in Noida last year by a stray dog. At the time, the incident triggered massive disquiet among residents.
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