In January 2023, Tanvi Lathwal, originally from Chidana in the Sonipat district of Haryana, took part in the selection trial for the Indian shooting squad. Despite securing consecutive wins in both state and national-level shooting championships, she faced disqualification due to the absence of an Indian passport, which is a mandatory requirement for national team membership. Harveer Lathwal, Tanvi’s father, had been transferred to Sydney, Australia, in 2008 while working for an international company.
Two years later, Tanvi was born there, making her an Australian citizen by virtue of being born there.
In 2014, Harveer was transferred back to Delhi and the family moved to India. Tanvi, a school student, began participating in shooting competitions in 2021 after reaching the minimum age of 12 for competition eligibility.
Having clinched victories in all shooting championships throughout 2022-23, she attempted to join the Indian squad in January 2023. However, her aspirations faced a harsh reality when she learned that participants were required to possess an Indian passport.
40-year-old Harveer highlighted his daughter’s outstanding performance in shooting formats, including securing the fourth spot in the 10-metre air pistol competition in Australia.
Rajnarayan Panghal, a 10-meter air pistol shooter at the state level who recently traveled to Australia, disclosed that Australia has allocated six reserved spots for shooting in the Paris Olympic Games. Tanvi Lathwal has secured a position among the top four in the Australian shooting squad, according to Panghal. “She is the youngest player and among the best in Australia, making her a potential candidate for the games in Paris,” he said. If she maintains her score in the next three months, Tanvi would surely represent Australia at the Paris Olympics, he added.
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