Filmmaker SS Rajamouli is presenting a movie named Made In India that chronicles Indian cinema. It is being directed by Nitin Kakkar and produced by Varun Gupta and SS Karthikeya. Rajamouli took to his Instagram handle and officially announced Made In India along with a note that reads: “When I first heard the narration, it moved me emotionally like nothing else. Making a biopic is tough in itself, but conceiving one about the FATHER OF INDIAN CINEMA is even more challenging. Our boys are ready and up for it..:) With immense pride, Presenting MADE IN INDIA…”
Take a look at SS Rajamouli’s Instagram post
Reacting to his Instagram post, one of the fans wrote, “surprise surprise SS Rajamouli is coming back with the new blockbuster.” Another wrote, “The world must know about the roots of Indian cinema and the man who made it happen!” A third fan commented, “Bring it on.” Another wrote, “Can’t wait.” Many dropped heart emojis and fire emojis in the comment section.
This is a developing copy.