MUMBAI: The Shah Rukh Khan production Darlings, starring Alia Bhatt, is set to go on floors soon. The makers plan to release the film later this year, it was revealed on Monday. An official announcement on the project will be made soon. Darlings is pitched as a quirky story about a mother-daughter duo. While Alia plays the daughter, actress Shefali Shah is cast as the mother. Other actors on board are Vijay Varma and Roshan Mathew. “The film is set in Mumbai against the backdrop of a middle-class family and traces the lives of two women, as they find courage and love in exceptional circumstances. In fact, the movie is gearing up for a release this year itself. The pre-production work is going on full swing, and the team is all ready to take it on floors very soon in Mumbai,” a source reveals. The film, directed by Jasmeet K. Reen, will be officially announced soon. This is the second time Alia and Shah Rukh have collaborated. They worked together in Gauri Shinde’s 2016 film Dear Zindagi, though as co-stars. Besides Darlings, Shah Rukh is also backing Love Hostel featuring Bobby Deol, Vikrant Massey and Sanya Malhotra. He also produces Bob Biswas starring Abhishek Bachchan.