For almost two months, there hasn’t been any signature on files within the Health Department in Haryana, causing widespread discussions about the potential departure of certain officials. There’s speculation that some officials might leave, while Vij, amid handling daily grievances, instructs officials connected to the matter. He also continuously targets the opposition.
There’s ongoing talk across the state about the Health Department officials not signing certain files for several days. Speculation is rife that some of these officials might exit their roles. When questioned about the ongoing dispute in the Health Department, Minister Anil Vij chose not to comment, letting the situation remain unresolved.
Recently, elections took place in five states, resulting in a significant victory for the BJP in three. During the Madhya Pradesh elections, Congress leader Phool Singh Baraiya claimed that if BJP secured more than 50 seats in MP, they would have to face embarrassment. Supporting Baraiya, Farmer Congress leader Yogesh Dandotiya echoed the sentiment. This viral video prompted Vij to take aim at the Congress party, stating that their mouths were already blackened, highlighting their actions in Azad Hindustan. He alleged that they had tarnished their own reputation.
When Amit Shah spoke about one constitution and one symbol in the country, Shashi Tharoor sarcastically remarked that America has 50 states, each with its own constitution and symbol. Responding to this, Vij launched an attack on the entire Congress, claiming that while Amit Shah seeks unity for the nation, figures like Tharoor desire to see the country divided, hence discussing multiple constitutions.