In a bid to accommodate the surge in demand during the newly built Ram Mandir inauguration ceremony next month, the Ambala Division of Railways has announced plans to run special trains from Amritsar, Bathinda and Chandigarh to the holy city of Ayodhya. Sharing information, Ambala Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) Mandeep Bhatia said, “Shri Ram temple is almost ready in Ayodhya where the consecration of Ram Lalla is to take place on January 22. Most people prefer to travel by railway, for which the Railways have also made their preparations.”
“Special trains for Ayodhya can run from Amritsar, Bathinda and Chandigarh, the schedule of which will be released soon. Extra counters can also be set up for tickets,” informed Bhatia. Speaking about setting up new counters for tickets, DRM Bhatia said, “Although 80 per cent of people are inclined towards e-ticketing in which people get the facility sitting at home, extra counters can also be set up if needed.”
The temple, which will open its doors to the public in January will witness the consecration of Lord Sri Ram’s idol.To facilitate travel for devotees, Ayodhya will be connected to different regions and cities including Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Pune, Kolkata, Nagpur, Lucknow, and Jammu.
The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) has also been gearing up to provide round-the-clock catering services to meet the needs of the large number of pilgrims visiting Ayodhya during this period.
Meanwhile, boom barriers, bollards, and CCTV cameras are among the security equipment that will be installed in all the entrances of Ram Janmobhoomi Mandir in Ayodhya for the January 22 event, an official said on Thursday. Boom barriers, also known as tyre killers, are devices that prevent unauthorised vehicles from entering a property. They can be used to block roadways and entrances to hotels and offices. As per temple officials, the consecration ceremony will be held over seven days starting on January 16.
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