On Sunday, a special Rs 75 coin was launched to commemorate the inauguration of the new Parliament building, coinciding with the country’s 75th year of independence. In addition to the coin, a special stamp was also unveiled to mark the occasion. During the inauguration ceremony, Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated the new Parliament building to the nation and placed the historic ‘Sengol’ in the Lok Sabha chamber. The ‘Sengol’ symbolizes the transfer of power from the British to Indians in 1947.
The front side of the coin features the Lion Capital of the ‘Ashoka Pillar’ at its center, with the inscription ‘Satyamev Jayate’ below. The Ashoka Pillar is accompanied by the word ‘Bharat’ in Devnagri script on the left side and the word ‘INDIA’ in English on the right side.The reverse face of the coin bears the image of the Parliament Complex. On the upper periphery, the inscription ‘Sansi Sankul’ is written in Devnagari script and on the lower periphery, the inscription ‘PARLIAMENT COMPLEX’ is written in English.
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