After receiving an award recently, Shah Rukh Khan talked about his son Aryan Khan’s arrest in 2021. Shah Rukh had a successful year with his films, but he has avoided talking to the media and has only used social media to communicate with his fans directly. Shah Rukh talked about the challenging times his family has faced recently and the lesson he learned during this period on Wednesday, when he accepted a special award from News18.
“The last 4-5 years have been a bit of a ride for me and my family. I’m sure for some of you also because of Covid. Most of my films flopped. Analysts started writing my death knells,” he said as he compared the trade analysts to “idiots”. He then talked about his “personal” issues, most likely referring to Aryan’s arrest during the 2021 Cordelia cruise drug bust. After spending nearly a month in jail, Aryan was eventually exonerated of all charges.
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