Rajasthan Assembly Speaker Vasudev Devnani met with Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Bhai Patel and Speaker Shankar Bhai Chaudhary in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, on Monday. In honour of Devnani, Chief Minister Patel and Speaker Chaudhary hosted a lunch in the afternoon. Gujarat cabinet members were also present at the event.
Devnani also observed the proceedings of the Gujarat Legislative Assembly and visited various chambers. He discussed various subjects related to the assembly’s functioning, infrastructure, online systems, and security with Speaker Shankar Bhai Chaudhary.
During the meeting, Vasudev Devnani had an extensive discussion with Shankar Bhai Chaudhary about the “Neva” app, operated under the “One Nation, One Application” initiative in the Gujarat Legislative Assembly.
During the meeting, Gujarat CM Bhupendra Bhai Patel and Speaker Shankar Bhai Chaudhary were presented with copies of the book “Ram Returns” by Rajasthan Assembly Secretary Mahavir Prasad Sharma, who was also present at the occasion.