Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan, who had earlier tested positive for Covid-19, has been shifted to the Covid-19 ICU ward on Monday, in view of his severely falling oxygen saturation.
Khan, who was shifted to Lucknow›s Medanta Hospital from Sitapur jail on Sunday for his Covid-19 treatment, has been kept under constant monitoring of doctors. His son Abdullah Khan was also shifted to the same hospital and his situation is satisfactory, as per health bulletin by Lucknow›s Medanta Hospital.
The father-son duo was tested positive for Covid-19 on 30 April. Azam Khan›s health suddenly deteriorated on Sunday following which he along with his son was sent to Lucknow by an ambulance. Khan has been lodged in Sitapur jail since February last year with more than a hundred cases registered against him. His son has also been lodged in Sitapur jail in several cases filed against him.