South Korean vlogger Kelly faced a distressing incident during her visit to India, experiencing harassment by a man in Maharashtra. The unsettling episode was recorded in her vlog and shared widely on social media. In the video, Kelly engaged with locals when a man insisted on taking a photo with her. Suddenly, another man approached, grabbing her and instructing the first man, “Don’t stand so far. Hold her like this.” Despite Kelly’s attempts to distance herself, the man persisted in holding her. Post-incident, Kelly remarked, “They really like to hug.”
The video circulated on social media platforms, raising concerns about her safety. It remains unclear whether Kelly reported the harrowing incident to the police. Apologies flooded the comment section from concerned Indians expressing regret for the distressing encounter.
“As an Indian citizen, I apologize to you, Kelly, for that rascal who behaved with you in that way,” commented one YouTube user.
“As an Indian, we’re really sorry for his behavior. Lot of love from India, stay safe,” expressed another user.
“I love how cheerful and positive you are, Kelly!!! I’m so sorry for the bad experience with the man touching you so frankly. I hope you meet only good people henceforth. Enjoy your trip with the amazing and friendly people in India,” conveyed a third user.
This incident recalls a similar case from last December when a 24-year-old South Korean vlogger was stalked and harassed by two men on a busy street in Khar. The incident was captured in her live vlog, and the suspects, Mobeen Chand Mohammed Shaikh, 19, and Mohammed Naqeeb Ansari, 21, both locals of Khar, were identified. Although the police apprehended the accused, they were later granted bail on a bond of Rs 15,000 each.
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