After getting acquitted in Jiah Khan suicide case, Bollywood actor Sooraj Pancholi was seen visiting Gurudwara Bangla Sahib in Delhi to seek blessings. He finally walked as a free man as he was acquitted in the case. After the verdict was pronounced, the actor went to Siddhivinayak Temple to seek blessings. Now, Sooraj took to his official Instagram handle and shared pictures with his fans and followers. In the pictures, he was seen visiting Gurudwara Bangla Sahib in Delhi. He opted for a blue T-shirt and denim jeans. In the caption of his post, he added a folded hand emoji.
Take a look at Sooraj Pancholi’s Instagram post
After the verdict was pronounced, he shared an official statement. His statement read: “The Verdict has taken 10 long painful years and sleepless nights, But today I have not only won this case against me but I have also won my dignity and confidence back, it took a lot of courage to face the world with such heinous allegations, I hope and pray to God that nobody goes through what I have gone through at such a young age, I don’t know who will give me these 10 years of my life back to me, but I am glad that this has finally come to an end not only for me but specially for my family. There is nothing bigger than peace in this world.” He even thanked his fans.
For those unaware, Jiah Khan was found dead at her home on 3rd June 2013. After the police seized a letter from her house, they arrested the actor under the charges of abetment to suicide.
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