NEW DELHI: Sony on Wednesday launched a new full-frame camera ‘Alpha 7C’ at a starting price of Rs 1,67,990 in the Indian market. According to the company, the ‘Alpha 7C’ is the world’s first smallest and lightest full-frame body with uncompromising performance featuring advanced AF (autofocus), high-resolution 4K video capabilities and much more. “The new ‘Alpha 7C’ camera and FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 zoom lens packs most advanced imaging technologies in a brand new design which is the smallest and lightest full-frame camera and lens system in the world. We are opening up a new world of possibilities for content creators by giving them uncompromised power of a full-frame system in the palm of their hands,” said Mukesh Srivastava, Digital, Imaging Head, Sony India, in a statement. Measuring only 124mm x 71.1mm x 59.7mm and weighing just 509 grams, the ‘Alpha 7C’ has a similar size and weight to an APS-C camera, with only one per cent more weight than the Alpha 6600. The ‘Alpha 7C’ features a five-step seven stabilisation effect that allows shooting snaps without a tripod.
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