Senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Sarbananda Sonowal campaigned for the BJP candidates for the upcoming MCD elections in Delhi. Sonowal led the municipal election campaign trails at Munirka, Green Park, Andrews Ganj, and Malviya Nagar with the slogan “Har Ghar Bhajpa.”
Speaking on the occasion, Union Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, and Ayush, Sarbananda Sonowal, said that “Under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, we all must join hands to build the new India of grit, respect, and honour. The people of Delhi, as residents of the capital of India, must play a pivotal role in this.”
“Due to the honest and good intentions of the Modi government, people from all walks of life have availed the benefits of multiple welfare schemes, leading to an enrichment of their quality of life. Today, due to the untiring yet inspiring leadership of PM Narendra Modi ji, India has become the fifth-largest economy in the world, surpassing the United Kingdom (UK). This is an encouraging sign of the scheme of things that Modiji has envisioned for India to achieve during this Amrit Kaal, including becoming ‘Atmanirbhar’ in the true sense of the word,” Union Minister said.
Union Minister and Former CM of Assam, Sarbananda Sonowal, criticised the AAP government led by Arvind Kejriwal and said, “People of Delhi have already witnessed how the AAP govt led by Kejriwal failed to deliver the major issues plaguing the city including control of pollution and corruption. The liquor scam is a huge letdown by the AAP government, which was elected on this same issue.”
“The turnaround of the ideology of the AAP is not limited to just corruption but also to its inefficient management of drinking water supply, leaving the people of Delhi wondering. On the contrary, the Union government by Modi ji has taken many decisive steps like cleaning up the Yamuna river under the Namami Gange plan,” he said.
Calling upon the people to vote for BJP in the upcoming municipal elections, Sonowal further added, “In order to make Delhi a global destination of growth and gumption, the people of Delhi must make the right choice by voting BJP as the country joins PM Modi ji to build a new India that is proud, prosperous, and peaceful as it aims to become an Atmanirbhar Bharat during the Amrit Kaal.”
“People must be made an empowered stakeholders and join hands with a government that is committed to providing efficient solutions to the city’s woes. The BJP has committed absolutely towards this end,” the Union Minister added.