Apple CEO Tim Cook has been grabbing headlines ever since he arrived in India. Recently, he was seen enjoying an IPL match with Bollywood diva Sonam Kapoor and her husband Anand Ahuja. Sonam took to her official Instagram handle and shared the pictures. The gorgeous actress chose a sari for her day out. With her tresses tied in a bun, the actress looked classy in an anarkali. She enjoys the match between Delhi Capitals and Kolkata Knight Riders with Tim Cook and Anand Ahuja.
In the caption of her post, Sonam wrote, “[Tim Cook] and entire [Apple] team- we hope you’ve had a lovely stay here and leave encouraged and positive on Apple’s outlook in the country. We’re so grateful for the care and attention you’ve given to creating your signature world class experience here. [Anand Ahuja].”
Take a look at Sonam Kapoor’s Instagram post
For those unaware, Tim Cook is in India to attend the opening of the country’s first Apple store in Mumbai. After spending time in Mumbai, he was in Delhi to open another Apple store in Saket. Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress was last seen in a cameo in Netflix’s thriller AK vs AK. She was also seen in The Zoya Factor.
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