Sudhir Sangwan, the main suspect in the murder of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) politician Sonali Phogat in Haryana last year, has been granted bail by a court in Goa. In August of last year, Phogat, 43, passed away in the Goan beach town of Anjuna after a night of drinking with her two friends, both of whom were suspected of giving her illegal substances.

Sangwan was granted bail by the district and sessions court on Friday and was told to post a Rs 1 lakh bail bond. According to a lawyer for him, the court further ordered him to appear every Friday before the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and to refrain from leaving the state. The Goa police detained Sangwan and his accomplice Sukhwinder Singh in relation to the crime last year. In November last year, the CBI filed a 1,000-page chargesheet in this case.