The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Sunday along with forensic officials reached the nightclub “Curlies” in Anjuna for an investigation where actor and BJP leader Sonali Phogat was allegedly drugged and was later declared dead. Earlier on Saturday, the CBI and forensic experts visited the Leoney Grand Resort in Goa, where the late BJP leader stayed before her death with her aides. As per information, the CBI officers investigating the case were inside the resort for over 10 hours. This comes as the CBI took over the probe into Sonali Phogat’s death from Goa Police on September 15, 2022, and registered an FIR in the case, followed by an order for a detailed probe into the case.
Earlier on Saturday, the CBI and a forensic team arrived at the resort located on Anjuna beach in North Goa. Earlier, Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant said that he would request Union Home Minister Amit Shah to hand over the Phogat case to the CBI. On September 12, the Ministry of Home Affairs recommended a CBI investigation into Sonali Phogat’s death. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court adjourned till September 26, Curlies restaurant’s plea against the NGT order and extended its interim order on stay against the demolition till the next date of hearing.