New Delhi: Bollywood actor Sonakshi Sinha is all set to make her digital debut with ace filmmaker Zoya Akhtar on Amazon Prime. Film critic and movie trade analyst Taran Adarsh confirmed the same on Twitter on Sunday. “SoNAKShi MAKeS heR DigiTAl DeBUT… #Firstlook of #SonakshiSinha in #Amazon’s new series [not titled yet]… Ritesh Sidhwani, Farhan Akhtar, Reema Kagti and Zoya Akhtar are the executive producers… Directed by Reema Kagti and Ruchika oberoi,” he tweeted. The Dabangg star and the Gully Boy film director also confirmed the same news on their social media accounts by posting the first look of Sonakshi as a cop from the untitled series. Alongside the post, the caption read, “There’s no limit to what women can accomplish. our collective belief in this has only been reinforced time and again. And on the eve of #womensDay, we’re taking things up a notch! Can’t wait for @aslisona to show us yet again how girls get it done! Coming soon, on @ primevideoiN”.