MUMBAI: Sonakshi Sinha on Wednesday extended support to the ongoing farmers’ protest. Sonakshi posted a poem on Instagram, which she has recited and dedicated to the hands that feed us. The Hindi poem is titled ‘Kyun’ (Why) “Nazarein milake khud se poochho- kyun? A tribute to the hands that feed us… a beautiful poem written by @varadbhatnagar. Shot and conceptualized by @gursanjam.s.puri and narrated by me. #farmersprotest,” the actress wrote on Instagram.
‘Kyun’ tries to explore the reasons behind why farmers have left the fields and taken to the streets, and why the protesters are being tagged as rioters. This comes a few days after the actress shared a note on her Instagram story that speaks about journalists being harassed, internet being banned, and the protesters being vilified.
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