Sonakshi Sinha says she missed the hustle-bustle of shooting during the lockdown. She shared a video on Instagram where she is seen getting her hair and make-up done. The ‘Dabangg’ actress did not reveal what she was gearing up to shoot. “How I missed the hustle-bustle of shoot! Team @mohitrai @malvikapanjabi @heemadattani @themadhurinakhale @kadamajay,” Sonakshi captioned the image. The actress returns on the screen in the Ajay Devgn-starrer ‘Bhuj: The Pride Of India’. The film tells the tale of Indian Air Force pilot Vijay Karnik. The period drama looks back at the story of 300 women of Madhapar village in Gujarat’s Kutch district, who played a pivotal role in helping India win the 1971 Indo-Pak war
The Israeli Prime Minister’s Office has delayed Cabinet votes on the deal with Hamas amid…
The court directed that the records of the case, which are in Gujarati, be translated…
A melanistic Royal Bengal Tiger was poached in Similipal Tiger Reserve, one of the last…
More than 400 Washington Post journalists have raised alarm about the paper's leadership and future.…
In recent years, growing concerns have emerged about the impact of modern diets on children’s…
BCCI plans to overhaul the coaching staff, including a new batting coach, after India’s series…