Escalating the turf war between Mumbai and Bihar Police, Bihar Police DGP G. Pandey called out the former for their attempt to thwart the ongoing investigation into the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. He said that Mumbai Police behaved in the “most unprofessional way” and “neither did they share any documents with us nor did they allow us to work there. We could conduct investigations just for three days but whatever we have gathered is enough,” adding that there was “something fishy” going on with this investigation.

He has also hinted at some startling findings by the Bihar team which had been revealed by the police after a case was registered at the Rajeev Nagar police station by the father of Sushant Singh Rajput, K.K. Singh. The DGP said that the Mumbai police told it categorically that they won’t allow the Bihar police to investigate so “when one of our IPS officers went to Mumbai for investigation, he was denied a stay in the IPS mess and was treated like a prisoner and quarantined”. He also told that the IG Patna also wrote a letter to BMC to protest this but the BMC replied that the IPS officer Vinay Tiwari will have to spend 14 days in quarantine and cannot be allowed to leave before that period. In the latest development to the case a FIR was registered at Rajeev Nagar police station in Patna, and the DGP hinted at a possible collusion between the actor and Mumbai Police. He also said that she is absconding and Bihar Police is on a lookout for her. Till date the Bihar police team has questioned about 10 people in the case and the detailed findings of the investigations are likely to be handed over to the CBI once the ace investigating agency takes up the case. The DGP of Bihar himself without disclosing any further details indicated that something fishy has been there in the case, probably hinting to the fact that the Bihar Police may have tumbled across some vital evidence.