Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday took a veiled dig at the Opposition and said that human rights are violated when an incident is seen through the “political spectacles” and this “selective behaviour” is harmful to the democracy.

Speaking at the 28th foundation day programme of the National Humans Rights Commission of India (NHRC), PM Modi said, “Some people see human rights violations in some incidents but not in other similar incidents. Human rights are violated when viewed via political spectacles. Selective behaviour is harmful to democracy. They attempt to harm the nation’s image through their selective behaviour.” “Human rights should not be only about rights, but also duties. The two should be discussed together, not separately. Other than awareness of their rights, each individual must abide by their duties,” he added.

Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission of India Justice Arun Kumar Mishra were also present at the event. The Prime Minister had earlier said that NHRC plays an important role in our nation in protecting the human rights and dignity of the marginalised.

As per a Prime Minister’s office release, NHRC was set up under the Protection of Human Rights Act 1993 on October 12, 1993, for the promotion and protection of human rights. The Commission takes cognisance of any form of human rights violations, conducts enquiries and in cases of violation of human rights, recommends to the public authorities for payment of compensation to the victims, other remedial and legal measures against the erring public servants.

PM Modi reiterated ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas’ and said that the Centre is going ahead with the goal of ensuring that everyone gets the benefits of the government schemes. “Nation is going ahead with ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas’. In a way, it also works on the basic principle of ensuring human rights for all. If the government starts a scheme and it benefits only a few, it will raise the issue of rights,” PM Modi said. “That is why we are going ahead with the goal of ensuring that everyone gets the benefits of all schemes,” he added.

The Prime Minister further said, “For decades, Muslim women were demanding laws against Triple Talaq. We provided new rights to them by forming a law against Triple Talaq. Our government also freed Muslim women from the compulsion of ‘Mahram’ during Haj.” He stated that India is now providing paid maternity leave of 26 weeks to career women. This is basically the protection of the rights of newborn children.

“For women safety, one-stop centres have been set up in over 700 districts, providing medical, police, mental counselling and legal help to them. Over 650 fast track courts have been set up, and for heinous crimes like rapes, provision of the death penalty has been introduced,” he added.