Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath underscored the critical role of women in shaping a self-reliant and strong society. Speaking at the Baba Gambhir Nath auditorium on Saturday, the CM urged society to recognize the inherent talents of women and go beyond traditional notions of empowerment.

“A society cannot be strong and self-reliant by neglecting half its population,” CM Yogi stated, emphasizing that women’s contributions are vital to the nation’s progress.

New Initiatives for Women Empowerment

The event marked the inauguration of the Baba Gorakhnath Kripa Milk Producer Organization and seven milk chilling centers under the State Rural Livelihood Mission. CM Yogi encouraged women to utilize government welfare schemes to create inspiring success stories.

He cited Bundelkhand’s Balini Milk Producer Company as an example, noting its collection of 33 lakh liters of milk daily. “Women of Purvanchal have abundant opportunities to surpass this achievement,” he said.

Additionally, CM Yogi unveiled plans for a ready-made garment factory within the Gorakhpur Industrial Development Authority (GIDA). The facility aims to train and employ women in garment manufacturing, providing them with skills and career opportunities.

Engagement with Women Entrepreneurs

CM Yogi visited self-help group (SHG) stalls, flagged off Prerna vehicles, and launched milk vans during the event. These initiatives are part of his government’s ongoing efforts to empower women through skill development and financial support.

BJP MP Ravi Kishan, present at the event, praised CM Yogi’s vision, stating, “Women’s dreams deserve to flourish, and CM Yogi is laying the foundation to make them a reality.”

A Heartwarming Moment with Schoolchildren

In a rare display of spontaneity, CM Yogi took time from his busy schedule to interact with schoolchildren on a picnic near the Circuit House in Gorakhpur. Drawn to their cheerful laughter at Ambedkar Park, the CM broke protocol to shake hands, exchange smiles, and offer his blessings to the children.


CM Yogi’s initiatives and gestures reflect his commitment to empowering women and nurturing a society where every individual contributes to nation-building. His actions continue to inspire citizens to recognize the value of inclusivity and equal opportunities.