2020 Dehli, a social thriller with the backdrop of Delhi Riots,which occurred amid a protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC), is set to premiere today. The movie, which is based on actual occurrences, will also present the real event as it has been recorded, including the Namaste Trump event. The origins of the protest will also be discussed in the narrative that is based on the twelve hours of incident on February 24, 2020.
Countryboy Films and Visual Birds Studio worked together to co-produce it under the Midas Touch Films label. In Indore, it will be filmed in a linear fashion.
Director Devendra Malviya, CEO of Visual Birds, says, “Our endeavour is to attempt a one take feature film for the first time. The story talks about two guys stuck in a place on that fateful day. The experience of a thriller will become much more engrossing when you don’t have a cut in the film. It’s a difficult process but the whole team has prepped a lot and hopefully will succeed.”
The first Indian feature film of this length to be shot in a single take will be this one. Hollywood single-take movies like 1917 and Birdman were created using this intricate and costly method.
In the summer of 2023, 2020 Dehli is scheduled for release.
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