Deeply anguished with the proceedings in the case of slain singer Sidhu Moosewala assassination case, father Balkaur Singh along with Mother Charan Kaur sat outside the Punjab Vidhan Sabha. On the third day of the budget session of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha, the family members of Punjabi singer Sidhu Moosewala reached outside the Vidhan Sabha. Balkaur Singh said that he is threatened to be killed before 25 April.
Congress MLAs also sat on protest along with Moosewala’s parents. Parents of Moosewala say that no action has been taken on Goldie Brar yet. Father Balkaur Singh said that Justice is still at large. The relatives say that now we will not move, even if the police arrest them.
During this, Moosewala’s father said that he had received threats three times from 18 to 28 February. Threats are being given by Sopu Jodhpur Group. Talking to the media, Moosewala’s father said that Mankirat Aulakh had some role in the murder. This should be investigated. Had they known about his role, they would have directly lodged an FIR against him.
Gunieve Kaur, MLA and wife of Akali leader Bikram Singh Majithia met the family members of Sidhu Moose Wala.
Moosewala’s parents said that today’s protest is to give a wake up call to the government. Nothing has happened in this matter for the last 11 months. The aggrieved father said that there should be a CBI inquiry into the matter. On the incident in Goindwal Jail, he said that efforts are being made to destroy the evidence. Only one of those who had come to kill his son knew him, the rest were hired men. Balkaur Singh further said that they have given the names of all those who conspired the murder, now the police should take immediate action against them. The relatives said that now they are getting death threats.
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